How to Care for your coating

Jet-Hot coating is a type of ceramic coating applied to exhaust components, such as headers and exhaust systems, to provide heat insulation, corrosion resistance, and a sleek appearance. Proper care is essential to maintain the coating's effectiveness and appearance over time. Here are some general guidelines for caring for Jet-Hot coating:

Initial Curing Period:

After the Jet-Hot coating is applied, there is typically a curing process. Follow the specific guidelines provided by Jet-Hot for the initial curing period. This often involves running the coated components through a heat cycle to set the coating.

Avoid Abrasive Cleaners:

When cleaning Jet-Hot coated surfaces, avoid abrasive cleaners or tools that could scratch or damage the coating. Use a mild soap or a cleaner recommended by Jet-Hot.

Regular Cleaning:

Clean the coated surfaces regularly to remove any contaminants, road grime, or other debris. Regular cleaning helps prevent the buildup of substances that could compromise the coating over time.

Gentle Washing:

When washing Jet-Hot coated components, use a gentle washing method. Avoid high-pressure washers that may be too aggressive and potentially damage the coating.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals:

Do not use harsh chemicals or solvents when cleaning Jet-Hot coated surfaces. These substances can degrade the coating and reduce its effectiveness.

Inspect for Damage:

Periodically inspect the coated components for any signs of damage, such as chips, cracks, or peeling. If you notice any issues, address them promptly to prevent further deterioration.

Avoid Extreme Conditions:

While Jet-Hot coatings are designed to withstand high temperatures, avoid exposing them to extreme conditions that could exceed their specified limits. For example, avoid prolonged exposure to temperatures higher than those encountered in typical exhaust systems.

Reapplication if Needed:

Depending on usage and conditions, Jet-Hot coating may need to be reapplied over time. If you notice a decline in performance or appearance, contact Jet-Hot for guidance on whether reapplication is necessary.


If you need to store Jet-Hot coated components, do so in a dry and climate-controlled environment. This helps prevent the buildup of moisture, which can contribute to corrosion.

Follow Manufacturer Guidelines:

Always follow the care and maintenance guidelines provided by Jet-Hot. These guidelines may vary based on the specific type of coating applied, so it's essential to adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations.

Remember that proper care and maintenance will not only extend the life of the Jet-Hot coating but also ensure that the components continue to perform at their best. If you have specific questions or concerns about caring for Jet-Hot coating, it's advisable to contact Jet-Hot directly for personalized guidance.

Trae Sjogren